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Living Here!

Abitibi-Témiscamingue is the place where we chose to live. Just east of Ontario, between the 47th parallel and the 49th parallel, not entirely north of Montreal as some like to say, but rather west of it. This is not just a place we happened to stop by. This is the place in the world where we chose to live, to wake up every morning enthralled by its immense sky. 

Some live there because they were born there and never felt the urge to leave, others because they have never felt this good elsewhere, and others because they came to see the place and decided to stay. Altogether, almost 148,000 of us live here, sharing 65,000 square kilometres. We have access to wideopen spaces, great outdoors and dense forests, but also to vibrant cities where culture is overflowing with creativity. 

For thousands of years, the Algonquin people (Anishinaabeg) have known this territory and travelled throughout it, from lake to lake, and from forest to forest. This land was cleared by our grandparents or greatgrandparents in order to build cities and villages, which are only a hundred years old now. It is a region that we continue to develop, together, through initiatives in which there is as much solidarity as there was in the early days. 

Here, we bring to life a growing culture, we come up with new festivals to make people laugh, dance and create. You will see in our eyes our pride in what we have built and in what we contribute to every day. Here, with shovels or through brush strokes, through our flowers or our colours, we create a pride that is as deep as our lakes and we nurture a creativity that is commensurate to our largerthanlife skies. 

Abitibi-Témiscamingue is where we will wait for you, with our contagious smiles, to help you discover everything that makes people want to stay here over and over again. 

Abitibi-Témiscamingue is made up of five RCM territories. As we like to say: “Five territories, one destination!” And each one has its own special way of welcoming you. 


One thing is for sure: The residents of these small towns, nestled deep in the forest next to lakes and rivers, all stick together. Amos-Harricana is still home to the descendants of the first settlers who came from distant lands to clear the land and build a life full of promise. For the past century, alongside the Abitibiwinnis people, we’ve welcomed newcomers and worked together to build a territory where anything is possible.  
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Abitibi-Ouest is all about nature, an inland sea, fields, barns and wild flowers, an invitation to take a moment to tune in. To notice the person next to you smiling—and the community behind them, like a big, happy family. A family with crazy ideas just waiting to help you put your own into action.  


The territory itself is overwhelmingly beautiful. And it has so much to offer: lakes for diving and fishing, pine forests for outdoor adventures and gathering mushrooms and medicinal plants, and fields that change with the seasons, providing bountiful harvests for cooking and celebrating together. The possibilities are as numerous as the people who come here to explore them.  
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The local microbrewery is called Le Prospecteur and the main attraction, Cité de l’Or. Businesses still proudly show off their boomtown architecture. People still take the train to get here. The names are Anicinabek, Cree, Québecois, English, Ukrainian and German. There’s a palpable feeling of good times here. Think: the Far West, only reimagined!  


In Rouyn-Noranda, the industrial, academic, commercial and creative sectors all co-exists around a lake surrounded by forests. Alongside the mining industry, you’ll find a major university, large-scale projects, thriving businesses, vibrant celebrations, art installations, and vast natural surroundings ideal for all kinds of adventures.  
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The strength of a network

The region is home to six centres de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS) affiliated with the Réseau universitaire intégré de santé et services sociaux (RUISSS) McGill. In addition to these institutions, equipped with cutting-edge equipment, the region also has 27 clinics. The strength of the regional healthcare network lies partly in its desire to provide basic services to its population, but especially in its ability to innovate. In Abitibi-Témiscamingue more than elsewhere, health is a community affair, with some 175 community organizations serving the population. 

La famille

Les touts petits

Nos communautés se sont dotées d’un impressionnant coffre d’outils pour favoriser l’épanouissement des jeunes et des familles, allant des politiques familiales municipales aux maisons de la famille, en passant par des cours d’école bien garnies et des centres communautaires où se rencontrent toutes les générations.  C’est à la garderie que tout commence!

Habiter ici

Trouver son nid

Peut-être êtes-vous plutôt « maison au bord de l’eau », ou encore « bungalow sympathique dans un Quartier rempli d’enfants »? Peu importe, puisque chaque chercheur de toit sera comblé en Abitibi-Témiscamingue! Pour ceux qui optent pour une maison neuve, le nombre de constructions neuves augmente d’année en année, on crée de nouveaux quartiers dans les villes.


Actif dans sa communauté

La meilleure façon de créer des liens avec les gens et s’enraciner dans le territoire, c’est par l’implication culturelle, sociale, communautaire, etc. Cela se traduit de multiple façon. En étant bénévole et se sentir utile tout en faisant connaissance avec des passionnés qui redonnent à la communauté. Mais aussi en participant aux multiples activités offertes partout en région.

Our human gems

Our territory may be filled underground with all kinds of minerals, but it also has an incredible wealth: its inhabitants. These are warm, passionate, funny, open and experienced people. With smiling faces, helping hands and generous hearts. These people are our human gem, who shine and make the region shine. 

icon Plein air

Profiter pleinement de la nature!

L’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, c’est un terrain de jeu de 65 000 km². Pour y jouer en toute sécurité, nous avons créé un outil formidable Ce site et son appliquation vous permettent de choisir votre activité et votre sentiers tout en respectant vos capacités. Il détient une foule d’information pour profiter pleinement de la nature!

En savoir plus fleche
icon Culture

Vie culturelle bouillonnante!

Comment une région si jeune peut-elle bénéficier d’une tradition artistique aussi impressionnante et d’une vie culturelle aussi riche et variée? L’Abitibi-Témiscamingue se distingue depuis plusieurs années par sa vivacité culturelle. L’audace, la créativité et l’originalité des artistes se font sentir aux quatre coins de la région et imprègnent les lieux touristiques à caractère culturel ainsi que les festivals et les événements. Le lien suivant vous mènera vers notre journal culturel, le seul au Québec!

En savoir plus fleche

The Carrefour network is here to help you! 

1 to 5 on 5 results
Carrefour de Rouyn-Noranda
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Carrefour jeunesse-emploi d’Abitibi-Est
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Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi d’Abitibi-Ouest
Picto pin localisation

La Sarre

Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi Témiscamingue
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Mouvement de la relève d’Amos-région
Picto pin localisation


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