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The Mudra Festival or : How to let go completely

The Mudra Festival was held last July 26, 27 and 28. Although only in its second edition, the event already has many keen followers. The Festival is organized by the staff of Mudra (a place for practicing yoga, wall climbing and other sport disciplines year-round) and an amazing group of motivated volunteers. The event, which … Continued

Abitibi-Ouest: Charm Offensive

I love to wander through Abitibi-Ouest and let myself get carried away by its beauty. There’s something poetic about the place. There’s a reason so many artists have found inspiration and settled here. People like Roger Pellerin, Jacques Baril and his wife Liliane Gagnon… There are picturesque villages like Clerval, Gallichan, Macamic, Rapide-Danseur and stunning … Continued

La Vallée-de-l’Or and Its Mysteries

La Vallée-de-l’Or fires the imagination. The name burns with mystery, synonymous with great explorers, treasures, gold rushes, boom towns, cosmopolitanism, things country and western, and still more. That era of upheaval is not so long ago. It still marks the architecture of many municipalities in La Vallée-de-l’Or… False fronts are still found here and there … Continued