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La Sarre is a member of the Village-relais network and won the 2020 Prix inspiration award.
It was awarded the Jocelyn Carrier award in 2016, for the quality of life it offers its citizens, the boldness and originality of its community, which are reflected in the unmissable events that the city organizes, and the diversity of its agricultural, industrial, and commercial activities.

Resolutely invested in family and culture, La Sarre is naturally warm and welcoming.
Visit downtown and the parks where, during summer, outdoor shows are presented.
The Maison de la culture, the Centre d’interprétation de la foresterie and Maison Lavigne offer heritage exhibitions as well as works from artists from here and elsewhere.

Welcome to our home!


Google maps
201, rue Principale
La Sarre
J9Z 1Y3

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Electric vehicle charging station

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La Sarre

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