Bureau d’information touristique d’Abitibi-Ouest
Abitibi-Ouest is a land of adventure, freshness, history and culture. The tourist information office (TIO) and its personnel are THE reference for questions on the many activities yours to experience. The TIO is situated in a village-relais; it offers a variety of services and a pleasant and safe stopping place.
The tourist information office provides you with a variety of brochures presenting the territory of the Abitibi-Ouest MRC, the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region and also offers the full range of regional tourist guides in Quebec. Some more specialized documents related to campsites and outfitters are also available on site.
La Sarre
Du 11 June au 31 August 2024
Service de restauration
Picnic area
Services automobiles
Signed access (blue signs)
Taxi available
Services disponibles
Wireless internet
Free parking
Parking for motor homes (RV)
Installations disponibles
(Geographic map)
Crédit : MRC d'Abitibi-Ouest