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Moose hunting season is just around the corner

A region of forests, lakes and rivers, from mid-September onwards the call of the moose echoes through the woods of Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Everyone here knows a relative, friend or neighbour who dreams and talks about moose hunting all year round. Some would even say that in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, life stops when the moose hunting season begins.

Moose hunting seasons

This year will be no exception. The moose-hunting season kicks off in mid-September in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Starting with exclusive-rights outfitters, who can hunt la bête lumineuse during the early season using the various weapons authorised for big game, including rifle, bow, crossbow and black powder rifle. A few days later, outfitters with non-exclusive rights will welcome their first hunters, those who use bows as hunting gear. Finally, in mid-October, it will be the turn of gun, crossbow and bow hunters to travel throughout zone 13 to hunt this big game. For zone-by-zone moose hunting seasons in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, visit the Québec government website.

Permissive year vs. restrictive year

Every even-numbered year, moose hunters face a restrictive year in zone 13, the hunting, fishing and trapping zone that corresponds to the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, meaning they can bag either a bull or a calf. This restriction alternates every two years on open territory, where the majority of hunters are concentrated. In a permissive year, the female can be hunted in addition to the buck and calf.

Stay at an outfitter for moose hunting

Moose hunting at an outfitter offers unrivalled professional guidance, with experienced guides sharing their expertise of the terrain and the animal, maximizing the chances of success while guaranteeing ethical practices. In addition to the sports aspect, they offer remarkable comfort, with warm accommodations and authentic meals that allow hunters to relax after an intense day. Finally, environmental preservation is at the heart of the experience: hunting is done with respect for the moose population, adhering to sustainable practices to protect biodiversity and local ecosystems, making it both a rewarding and responsible experience. Many of our outfitters offer unique big-game hunting experiences, so don't hesitate to contact them for a rich experience connecting with nature.

Fun facts about the industry

In Québec, nature and fauna represents:

  • 294,000 hunters;
  • 695,000 fishers;
  • 6,600 trappers;
  • 2,326,000 fauna observers.

In the study entitled Retombées économiques des activités de chasse, de pêche, de piégeage et d'observation de la faune au Québec en 2022, the moose is listed as the most popular hunted species in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. This popularity, combined with the large number of days devoted to the hunt, makes moose one of the wildlife species that generates the most economic benefits in the region, along with walleye and black bear.1

  1. Source: ↩︎