It is a fact. The Abitibi-Témiscamingue territory is a true playground. Sometimes, in order to play, equipment becomes necessary. No matter the season, our area’s closeness to nature allows for many ways to enjoy your time and play outside at a very low fee, or even to try out a new activity. Where to rent or borrow outdoor sports equipment in Abitibi-Témiscamingue? To ease your research process, here are the locations where sports equipment can be rented or borrowed.
Playing in Témiscamingue
Coop de l’Arrière-Pays offers renting services for:
- Water Crafts (Kayaks, Canoes, etc.),
- Nautical Equipment,
- Custom Itineraries,
- Private Guide Services are also available for your expeditions.
Other renting services in the area:
At Parc National d’Opémican lends human-powered water crafts.
The Taggart Bay Lodge (Baie des plongeurs, Lake Kipawa) for fishing equipment rental services, including boats and other accessories.
The Cabin Dulong Outfitters (Lake Rémigny), offers rental services for fishing equipment curated to the needs of most amateurs.
At the Marina de Ville-Marie, kayaks or paddle boards are made available to the public in order to allow even more people to enjoy these aquatic activities.
To be noted that some municipal libraries of the Témiscamingue area let you borrow snowshoes and cross-country skis.

During both summertime and wintertime, Val-d’Or invites you to spend time in the outdoors

The Forêt récréative de Val-d’Or offers a wide range of rental equipment, such as cross-country skiing gear, skates, snowshoes, snow scooters, Fat bikes, bicycles, adapted bicycles, scooters and Rollerblades. This service is made possible via a partnership with La Coop de l’Arrière-Pays.
Alpine skis and snowboards rental services can also be found at municipal ski slope.
La Plage Rotary (Rotary Municipal Beach) offers kayaks and paddle boards rentals, and also lends basketballs.
During their stay at the Station Boréale, guests can borrow paddle boards or kayaks.
Also, in the Réserve faunique La Vérendrye, the cottage rentals services allow guests to borrow a canoe, a kayak or a boat.
At the Patinoire Bleu Blanc Bouge (Bleu Blanc Bouge Ice Rink), visitors can borrow skates, hockey sticks and basketballs, depending on the season.
What about Golf Belvédère and Golf Siscoe? They both offer golf equipment rental services.
At Gauthier Marine, snowmobile, quads, and water crafts rentals services are available.
During a stay at the Pourvoirie Matchi-Manitou (Outfitters), kayaks, pedal boats, paddle boards, canoes and boats are available to the guests.
The Pourvoirie du Nord (Outfitters) even offers ice fishing huts for rent!
Finding pleasure outside in Malartic
The Club Plein Air Malartic (Camping Régional de Malartic) offers lending and rental services for cross-country skis, snowshoes, snow scooters, Fat bikes, snow tubes, baby gliders, as well as Kartus and Agilex sleds for disabled people or people with limited mobility.

Also, for the first time this Winter, the Centre Michel-Brière visitors can borrow skates, helmets, as well as support equipment.
Obviously, at Golf Malartic, golf equipment and carts are available for rent. In the beginning of Spring 2025, at the Parc du Belvédère (Circonflexe), the public can borrow balls and rackets, and even pick from a selection of outdoor games.
Enjoying the outdoors in Rouyn-Noranda
Rental equipment borrowed at Récréosisko can be used wherever you wish to spend your time. During wintertime, the public can borrow skates (adults and children sizes), sleds, snow scooters, snowshoes-skis (HOK Skis), walking sticks as well as toboggans.
Did you know that Récréosisko’s partnership with the ARLPHAT (Association Régionale de Loisirs pour Personnes Handicapées de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue) allowed for the availability of the two snow scooters?
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At the Parc National Aiguebelle (National Park), an array of equipment can be rented to practice your choice of activity: walking sticks, snowshoes (adults and children sizes), snowshoes-skis (adults and children sizes), sleds, snow scooters, Fat bikes (adults and children sizes).
While skiers spend time at the Centre Plein Air Mont Kanasuta, they can rent a pair of skis or a snowboard.
Then, at the Club de Ski de Fond d’Évain, there are equipment rentals, including boots and sticks, either for traditional cross-country skiing or for skating skis (adults and children sizes). A Babyglider, snowshoes and a Fat bike are also available for rent at this location.
At the Club de Ski de Fond de Granada, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing gear including sticks and boots are available for rent (adults and children sizes).
If you feel like going ice fishing, the Domaine Baie des Pins rents ice fishing huts as well as all the necessary gear to enjoy your ice fishing experience.
During a winter stay at the Racines du P’tit Isidore, snowshoes, sleds, three-skis and ice fishing huts are available for rent. In the Summer, guests have access to kayaks and paddle boards.
Explore the Abitibi-Ouest territory differently
The Poste à Val-Saint-Gilles offers a selection of canoes, kayaks and paddle boards for rent.
During their stay at the Chalet l’Éphémère, guests can rent bicycles, pedal boats, paddle boards, and kayaks.
At the Collection Archéologique Joseph Bérubé (sharing a space in Gallichan with the Café des Rumeurs), the public can borrow a paddle board, a kayak or a pedal boat.

Regarding La Sarre’s Club Beattie, the location makes cross-country skiing gear (including boots and sticks), snowshoes and snow scooters available for rent.
At the Club de Ski de Fond Skinoramik, rental services for cross-country skis, snowshoes and Fat bikes allow you to explore the snow-covered landscapes. Baby Gliders and helmets are also available for rent.
Even some local libraries join into the fun by lending snowshoes to the public!Même certaines bibliothèques locales se joignent au plaisir en prêtant des raquettes!
Playing big in the Amos-Harricana area
The Amos-Harricana territory allows for outdoor activities of all preferences. The Complexe Hôtelier l’Amosphère makes you go on an adventure with their rental services for kayaks and bicycles.
At Mont-Vidéo, visitors can explore the waterways by renting any of the available canoes, kayaks and pedal boats, or even a rabaska.
The Amos cross-country ski club offers cross-country ski, snowshoes and BabyGlider rental.
Finally, in Barraute, the municipality offers rental services for canoes so its community and visitors can fully enjoy the surrounding lakes.
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Whether you seek rest or adrenaline, the Abitibi-Temiscamingue territory overflows with possibilities! Fully equipped or not, going on an adventure has gotten easier for you, and enjoying the outdoors has never been simpler!